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~ The Mizuno Gazette ~ 2 February, 2024
Ashes43 Member
45 posts
15 topics
Minecraft: Ashes43
about 1 year ago

The fortress of Cultist Tower in South America.


~ The Mizuno Gazette ~


--Cultist Empire Returns?--


-A Background of the Collapse of Cultist Empire-

In August of 2023, the server's largest and most powerful nation, Cultist Empire, suddenly and violently collapsed due to its leadership all quitting in reaction to repeated staff negligence and mistreatment, the most notable of which being the deletion of a major Cultist Imperial fortress, "Raven Rock," for allegedly violating town aesthetic rules; however, it was later proved that staff had not much earlier said that the fort met all requirements. During its collapse, many lower ranking members deliberately made toxic comments, doxxed other players and staff, and spammed to get themselves banned in protest.

Nearly all former members of Cultist Empire have either remained permanently banned or had simply quit for the past five months, with only three active former Cultists remaining as of last week; however, all that has changed very unexpectedly in the past three days.


-The Return of the King-

On the thirteenth of February, Skulled613, the former leader of Cultist Empire, logged in and reclaimed the famous "Cultist Tower" (above photograph) with staff permission and began surveying the remaining inventory. OGtorta420 logged on as well, beginning the process of retrieving items that were scattered around the Americas following Cultist Empire's collapse. They both reported a staggering number of people returning items they had looted from former Cultist towns and, even more surprisingly, requests from both Alliance and Coalition to join the potential nation that former Cultist Imperial leadership will create.

Skulled613 stated that he had no comment on the happenings within Cultist Tower.


Updates will be provided in the upcoming days and weeks following the return of former Cultist members, it is known that other players such as Bunlik and Extinction8692 will be returning as well in the near future.

Last edited: about 1 year ago x 1