The main feature of Pan Point - a massive statue of the player MVPan - towering above the jungle trees.
~ The Mizuno Gazette ~
--A New World Order--
-The Americas now under the control of Cultist Empire-
With the return of the famous Cultist Empire not too long ago, it didn't take long for towns across North and South America to join the rising star. Notable towns recently are Miami, Lawless, Cultist Tower, Pan Point, East CDC, Terra Primo, Phoenix Point, and the headquarters of this newspaper, New Orleans. Cultist Empire has yet to reclaim their former capitol, Cultist, now named Coagula under the Eternal Mayan Empire. The Mid-Atlantic Naval siege region is also now under the control of the Cultist Imperial Navy.
-With Great Power comes Great Competitors-
With Cultist Empire's expansion, several nations on neighboring continents have had mixed reactions. Imperio Lusitano, long-time allies of Cultist Empire, were quite pleased to see their return and quickly reinstated their alliance. Floritania and Eternal Mayan Empire have mostly kept to themselves and chose to watch what Cultist Empire does for the time being, and the Canadian Dominion has tried to keep friendly, but neutral, relations with all surrounding nations.
--Floritania Sieges Canadian Dominion--
Despite relations being friendly in February, as stated by Fake4 saying "...all I can say is that Nations such as the Canadian Dominion have no issues with Floritania," the Canadian fortress of Nova Prospekt was sieged and occupied by Floritanian forces yesterday. All we can hope is that the Canadians win the next revolt siege and then the two nations can muster a peace deal to end further conflict in the area.
Last edited: 11 months ago