The recently commissioned dreadnought for the Cultist Imperial Navy, built by Ashes43
~The Mizuno Gazette~
March 30, 2024
--Updates on American Doctrines, the Struggle for Control over European Empires, and the Atlantic Regions--
-Mid-Atlantic Controlled by Cultist Empire, Thracia Captures Atlantic, Rome continues hold on Kremlin and Envy-
In a recent, rather unchallenged victory, the Cultist Imperial Navy has continued its hold on Mid-Atlantic as Thracia conquers the Atlantic Region from the Romans earlier today. Rome has maintained its control of Scandinavia
Rome continues its occupation in areas of Thracia and Kievan Rus after last week's close victories over their fortresses.
-Skulled613 Announces New Doctrine-
This afternoon, the leader of Cultist Empire, Skulled613, announced a peculiar and shocking doctrine for the Empire's future, leaving world leaders flustered over the future of their own nations.
In short, the doctrine states that Cultist Empire will refrain from aligning itself with the Coalition or Alliance for the foreseeable future and will work toward peace in the Americas, only attacking if deliberately provoked. He also stated that he believes the capture or loss of the server's siege regions are not to affect relations with other nations.
--In Other News--
In a shocking turn of events, the United Kingdom's former capitol, London, has fallen after the mayor was reported to have defected to the Coalition, but was killed by Coalition members while transporting goods from London while in a Zeppelin.
The American PvP region was transferred over to Cultist Empire by Imperio Lusitano.
Last edited: 11 months ago