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The Rise of Cultist
ChickenKing06 Member
5 posts
5 topics
11 months ago

The Alliance and Coalition have been at the Great Powers of the planet for the last few years. The colonial empires of Europe and Asia ruled the world and extended their fingers to the farthest reaches of Africa and America. They were the giants and they were unstoppable. Even as the Great Powers fought and destroyed themselves on the battlefields of Livland and Shimazu, someone would still be there to preserve their glory. For a time, that was the Thracian Dominion. As the Alliance declined over the course of 2023, Thracia reigned supreme. Yet dominance does not last forever. New challengers would rise to threaten the dominance of the traditional powers. The once-mighty empire of Cultist had been cast into obsolescence and foreign control for almost a year - something that the people did not take kindly to. In March 2024, the people of Cultist threw off their shackles and returned through methods unknown. Often confusing other nations, the reconstituted empire would quietly become resurgent over the next month.

As the days went by, something could be felt changing. The silent factories and shipyards whirred back into life, allowing economic recovery. The Alliance could be seen struggling. Cultist rose to match the stagnated Coalition. The three blocs became superpowers in a new standoff unlike no conflict seen before. Varuna, too, prospered under Cultist's wing. Their moderate-leaning monarchy, born from reformist movements, powered their new ambitions. Together, they sent ships into the South Atlantic where the Alliance had left it cold and desolate. They sent more and more soldiers abroad to conflict zones to establish their presence as a peacekeeping force and ingratiate themselves with nearby nations. The old phenomenon of a Cultist state policing the Americans instead of a Coalition one became increasingly prevalent as the days went on. Nations began to flock to Cultist for support, including such countries as Império Lustiano and Aztec Syndicate. Aztec Syndicate dissolved itself and merged into Cultist shortly thereafter - a shockingly unexpected upheaval in the geopolitical realm.

It is here where Cultist wishes to peacefully expand its influence. An Amazonian breeze blows upon Floritania, upon exhausted Canada, and upon the tiny Kingdom of Tertia. They, too, struggle with economic crises and military conflicts. They had reached out to Cultist for support in these trying times, and Cultist was more than happy to oblige. Now they are involved in the crisis in the Atlantic, a flashpoint that threatens to throw the world into war again and forever change the balance of power between the dying East and the nascent West. A change is on the horizon: it is to be determined on the battlefields of America.