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The Legendary Empire returns. Birth of the Great Nasrid Emirate!
MagnusAmbit Member
3 posts
3 topics
11 months ago

Dear CCNET, former Nordic members, and Friends.

We have returned. We are happy to be back in action after a year hiatus, and we bring with us some news. During our time away, we've been hard at work developing a nation from the ground up, constantly reviewing the shortcoming and hard at work developing new ideas. From former nobility the Nasrid Emirate’s council has emerged. Now that we're reunited, we're eager to dive back into CCNET under our shared goals, amidst the server’s ongoing invitations to align with either the coalition or alliance factions, we have declined both offers and chosen to join the Phoenix Federation. We set forth on our journey as a Nation and we extend invitation to former members of the Great Nordic Empire and anyone else interested in joining us. The road to this moment has been lengthy, requiring months of efforts to transform the nation from the former GNE into something worthy of presenting to the server. The support and patience have been valuable to us, and we deeply appreciate it.


Best regards from the Nasrid Emirate Council,

DarthFener, Magnus, Iracondo, Piyush, RageThing, Phoenix, Indomabile, Torque, Divino, KayT.

aliitsme Member
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Discord: aliitsme#0000
Minecraft: aliitsme
11 months ago

gne is so back gg

x 1