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The End of Cultist Empire
ChickenKing06 Member
5 posts
5 topics
7 months ago

Message from Skulled613, the Cultist Emperor.

Hello everyone,

Recently Extinction and I have had some IRL issues come out that have caused us to step away from CCNet. We originally both had a plan to return after around 30-45 days however this has been delayed. Sadly it seems this delay will be indefinite for the foreseeable future. Neither of us have the time to keep a nation together and that is not fair to the other Cultist leaders, loyal members, and our allies.

We cannot continue to lead a nation under our standard while being absent.

Both Extinction and myself want to personally thank everyone for the CCNet experience. We had a great team and made great friends, but life is now getting in the way and we aren't able to keep up anymore. We apologize for the inconvenience to all of our loyal members for our absence. To justify this, Extinction and myself will be stepping away from CCNet and passing control of Cultist Empire to MVPan and Dragonicc, followed by HamJam, Yxngprince, and Deathmaker. I believe they will do what is necessary to keep our Cultist Empire community together and strong. However, this will be done under a new name, a new theme...

Cultist Empire will be turned into a new nation, under new leadership, with new standards and new policies.

This is the official start of the Phoenix Kingdom.

x 1
Ashes43 Member
45 posts
15 topics
Minecraft: Ashes43
6 months ago