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Retirement of GNE
MagnusAmbit Member
3 posts
3 topics
3 months ago

Dear Esteemed Citizens and Allies of the Great Nasrid Emirate; players of CCNET,


After thorough consideration, the Great Nasrid Emirate has decided to withdraw its stronghold from Africa. Our mission is accomplished, and it is now time to return the land to the players of CCNET.


Our return in the summer was a calculated move, the result of months of meticulous planning. Although our target was initially uncertain, we vowed to hold no grudges and let the battlefield unfold naturally. It soon became apparent that our options were either the Imperium Romanum or the Thracian Dominion. Despite initial hostilities, our decision was not an emotional one, but a strategic plan with our legacy uppermost in our minds.


Recognizing the strength of our opponents enabled us to plan accordingly. We chose the Thracian Dominion and its proxy countries as our primary target, aiming to secure our legacy by occupying Thracia at their prime, a feat that never happened to the GNE. (You know the result)


On our journey to mission accomplishment, we forged many friendships in the Phoenix Federation, China, and the Cultist Empire. These friendships, rooted in both tactical and genuine camaraderie, greatly enriched our experience to CCNET.


Our journey together has been marked by remarkable achievements, shared challenges, and an unyielding commitment to our values. The strength and unity of our community have been the foundation of our success, and for this, we are eternally grateful. We bid farewell, we hope the bonds we've forged and the memories we've created will continue to inspire future nations.


With respect and regards,


The Great Nasrid Emirate.


GNE Book - https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:ea9c8ee0-ddf5-4058-af7c-08305424a8dc

Execution of Thracia (Cinematic) - Execution of Thracia (Cinematic) (CCNET) - YouTube

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