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Siberium in China
DaHoodedBoss Member
4 posts
3 topics
Minecraft: DaHoodedBoss
15 days ago

An often not discussed topic is Siberium in China, whilst this period may have been very brief it has been crucial to the Alliance due to the Taiwan Port which threatens Japanese hegemony in the Pacific and as of right now controls it.

All this success can be credited to 2kwa, EighthJason925 and McBurgerWarrior. EighthJason925 founded the town of New_Taiwan and toggled it unpeaceful so it could join Siberium.

EighthJason925 invited the likes of me, Kolixzx and CRAVYC to join him in New Taiwan. CRAVYC joined first and remained the longest there out of the trio.

Soon after me and Kolixzx joined the town, we decided to look for a place to make a town, we initially were going to make it where the town of Malacca is currently. However, McBurgerWarrior advised us not to as it is too isolated by the opponents and may not have range.

Therefore, we decided to make the town of New Xanhai, south of the town Niigata. CRAVYC soon followed by making Flopper Town  just below New Xanhai.

The Town of Haerbin, the former Chinese Capital, also joined thanks to the efforts of Naluzzz of reclaiming it off Tallishstorm.

Another, honourable mention is the town of Alibaba whose mayor at the time was Pg69_, a perm-banned player for duping, joined aswell further strengthening Siberium’s position in China.


I left New Xanhai briefly to help McBurgerWarrior reclaim Faith, however Kolixzx didn’t log on for a week after that and I didn’t have his discord at the time so I thought he quit so I briefly joined Nadym then made a town in Southern Arabia. In Nadym, McBurgerWarrior and I had a conversation in which McBurgerWarrior said he would prefer for EighthJason925 to expand in Mirage (Arabia).

Meanwhile, Kolixzx had returned and merged his town with CRAVYC and they decided to make a nation in China but had little support from Siberium so they saw an empty unclaimed fort in Finland and moved there instead. They are now rulers of the Finnish Empire.

I decided to leave Siberium for Persia and in the midst of all this, Siberium not having a proper fort in China decided to toggle New Taiwan to peaceful and leave it as a port with trust for Siberium and Alliance Members instead. However, as you may know New Taiwan is in Siberium again as it has range to Siberium’s fort of Sentinel in Eastern India.


Last edited: 15 days ago x 2
4 posts
0 topics
Minecraft: CRAVYC
15 days ago
