Many of you are aware of who FirstLeak is, the Vanacan King, but you may not know how he gained the leadership of Vanaco/Shinseistan.
First, we must look at context , Shinseistan in August 2024 was a nation spread across Africa (From Cameroon to Somalia) and with holdings in Europe. MihaiGamerul is looking at ways to improve and expand the nation, and it so happened his old friend, FirstLeak, was online after a while. So MihaiGamerul invited him to his then town of Old Norston (Norston Caliphate as it is known as now). FirstLeak quickly integrated himself within the nation, establishing a large silver farm in the bunker of Old Norston and creating a business from it in Shinseistan.
Eventually, he decided to make the town of Bangui (now the capital of Vanaco) south-east of Old Norston, in Late August 2024 He rapidly expanded and recruited for the town, one of the recruits was his brother, RynnEverett.
It was in this time period, that FirstLeak gained the role of co-leader for his efforts to improve the nation, such as constructing the underground railway from the town of Hecturion (old town north of Hope, ruins can still be seen on map) and creating new ideas for the nation to expand and improve.
One thing, I noticed during all this, was when I visited Bangui and saw a large monument saying ‘The Nation of Vanaco founded 2019’. I brushed it off then, just thinking it was something to do with the lore of Bangui.
After 1 and a half month, Shinseistan was liberated by the Alliance at Newest Norston in October 2024 from the Thracian Dominion. MihaiGamerul was exhausted and overwhelmed from running the nation, so he stepped down the same month to make way for FirstLeak. An action he regrets to this day.
Fast-forward to January 2025, MihaiGamerul attempts to regain power (co-leader) but is met by major backlash from the other people in Shinseistan , which forces him to leave as they brand him a ‘traitor’. This was FirstLeak’s golden opportunity , rename the nation to Vanaco, finally achieving his goal , as he used MihaiGamerul’s ‘attempted coup’ to say the nation should move on from it’s Shinsei past and look to the future under a New Vanacan state.
Whilst many people like me are not pleased with this renaming, I spoke to Boukirchin the other day and he said he was glad that Shinseistan had finally gone as it had such a bad reputation for its name.
Last edited: 12 days ago