I remember a server that had this, all I can say is that I am all for this, granted it would make the game somewhat harder, it does make it more fun and challenging.
cant wait to see what else is going to end up coming.
So, forgive me for the long list of questions that I have here, but I am curious and intrigued from the last test and I do have a few questions.
1. How close are we to an open beta testing of the game mode
2. how big is the map going to be, as well as an oddball of provinces that will be present
now time for the nitty gritty stuff
3. as in the second dev log, there has been talk about adding in modifications for armor, if possible to ask is there a way to obtain them in the game (either through crafting, or as some sort of war trophies for victories against other towns/nations
4. will money still exist in this gamemode, and if it does, what purpose will it serve (will it be used for the construction of houses and Production buildings, or is it just there to act as a soft block when it comes to paying taxes. if it will exist that is)
5. in the 3rd dev log, there has been mentions to production buildings and how they will work. i'd assume that there is a yield increase if the building gets upgraded, but i am wondering about the production times, if it is only by daily, or if there is a set time that it takes to produce an order from a mine and or other building, like 75 minutes for an order of 64 iron or something along those lines
6. with the introduction of these production buildings, one might as well ask if slimefun will be present here, and if it is, to what degree will slimefun have in the world, if we are able to use machines, make food, armors, etc. or if the plugin is getting scrapped in this server
7. There has also been mention of Utility buildings that will provide some assistance to how the province can operate, with that being said. will there be buildings that will allow the construction of aircraft, or be able to use it in the province as well as in neighboring provinces, or is the idea still in its infancy to even think about specifics?
8. With the introduction of ultimatums and the war system that is to be implemented here, will towns be able to be fully occupied, (meaning that they switch sides to the nation that captures them during war, or will it work similar to nations where the town is occupied, but still a part of its home nation
last question (i swear)
9. with a few of these plugins being really interesting and game changing, will we see some of them make an appearance to nations, or are these exclusive to Campaign wars.
(ex. the house system in dev log 3, or more recently as of the last test, the battery system)
lot of questions I know, I would be grateful if you are able to shed light on any of these. and I eagerly await the day that we are able to test this fully.