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ChickenKing06 Member
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Message from Skulled613, the Cultist Emperor.

Hello everyone,

Recently Extinction and I have had some IRL issues come out that have caused us to step away from CCNet. We originally both had a plan to return after around 30-45 days however this has been delayed. Sadly it seems this delay will be indefinite for the foreseeable future. Neither of us have the time to keep a nation together and that is not fair to the other Cultist leaders, loyal members, and our allies.

We cannot continue to lead a nation under our standard while being absent.

Both Extinction and myself want to personally thank everyone for the CCNet experience. We had a great team and made great friends, but life is now getting in the way and we aren't able to keep up anymore. We apologize for the inconvenience to all of our loyal members for our absence. To justify this, Extinction and myself will be stepping away from CCNet and passing control of Cultist Empire to MVPan and Dragonicc, followed by HamJam, Yxngprince, and Deathmaker. I believe they will do what is necessary to keep our Cultist Empire community together and strong. However, this will be done under a new name, a new theme...

Cultist Empire will be turned into a new nation, under new leadership, with new standards and new policies.

This is the official start of the Phoenix Kingdom.

The End of Cultist Empire 8 months ago
MrTurtleGamer is setting out to fight the very Great Powers that he set into motion, but this time the outcome will be different. Because he is different.
The Elite Penguin Force is a place of honor and meritocracy. A place where the strongest at PvP rule and those who contribute are rewarded, no matter how little. A place where toxicity is shunned and bullies are shamed. That is what sets them apart from their enemy. In the EPF, PvP is a way of life. Conquest is a right. Those who play fair are entitled to everything they claim.
In Chione, the crowds chant for total war. No longer will they accept being a pawn of the the Great Powers. Total freedom is what they crave, and they will settle at nothing less than the dissolution of the two powers.
The EPF is led by the strongest. The EPF is the strongest. The soldiers of the EPF are the greatest army to ever march across the planet. Take up your swords, charge into the into the heat of battle and win! Now the Great Powers will face the true strength of the EPF!

The Return of MrTurtleGamer 10 months ago

Democracy in Eterna Maya has always been a fragile thing. Driven by communist ideology, it was Nuxyr who reformed the nation into a direct democracy after the old ruling council was banned for duping, a bold and audacious move in a server where autocrats reign supreme and residents are reduced to serfdom. Yet the elites did not see it that way. Their grip on power was threatened, and they silently plotted behind the scenes to undermine the system.

Microwaved1 was elected President after a vote with a historically low turnout. His Libertarian Party beat the "old guard" Eternalist candidate by a single vote, a shockingly upsetting result within the nation. Microwaved is a roleplayer who does not understand the affairs of state, they said. His victory had been an accident! The elites had been defeated again, but this time they would have their revenge. For now the President is locked out of the nation Discord server, depriving him of his ability to govern. His orders are ignored, the military runs itself. A mere figurehead, Microwaved1 has no supporters in the deep state nor wields any real power.

Democracy is on trial in Eterna Maya. The next election will be the most pivotal in the nation's history. Will the nation remain a direct democracy or return to autocracy? Will Microwaved1 scrape enough votes to cling onto power? And will he sacrifice his libertarian ideals to assert this authority?

Turmoil in Eterna Maya 10 months ago

Ah Korhal, the eternal fort. I have seen the end of days and years from now men will say, "Here began the fall of Thracia."

The power of the Thracian Senate was taken from the many and given to the few. Those who wore the golden wreath grew sick with every kind of weakness. They were filled with greed, deceit and malice. They condemned and enslaved. They betrayed their allies and kicked out those they loved.

They did all this and called it just.


"And I saw in his hand a book, sealed with seven seals, the first of which was broken. And behold a white panda, and he that sat on him had a katana, and he went forth to conquer."

They made ready for war.

The Nasrids grew in strength and number. Their roots went deep and they felt the desert's blood pounding through the dunes. But their borders were threatened, for a great storm raged in the west.

One by one the tribes scattered, as seeds in the wind.


"And behold a red panda, and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth."

The blood of their kin would be avenged. Great hunters, they tempered their blades in Thracian blood and saw their once mighty walls reduced to dust.

The air was filled with smoke and blood.

The world had fallen into shadow. The earth grew cold and the wind whispered of death.


"And I beheld a black panda, and he that sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand."

Kaytetsu was born. All knelt before him! For they knew he would devour the earth and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.


"And behold a pale panda, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."

His wrath would engulf the world and he delighted in watching it burn. The tribes looked to Kaytetsu, and the world trembled.

Abandon all hope.

The Nasrid Invasion 10 months ago

The Alliance and Coalition have been at the Great Powers of the planet for the last few years. The colonial empires of Europe and Asia ruled the world and extended their fingers to the farthest reaches of Africa and America. They were the giants and they were unstoppable. Even as the Great Powers fought and destroyed themselves on the battlefields of Livland and Shimazu, someone would still be there to preserve their glory. For a time, that was the Thracian Dominion. As the Alliance declined over the course of 2023, Thracia reigned supreme. Yet dominance does not last forever. New challengers would rise to threaten the dominance of the traditional powers. The once-mighty empire of Cultist had been cast into obsolescence and foreign control for almost a year - something that the people did not take kindly to. In March 2024, the people of Cultist threw off their shackles and returned through methods unknown. Often confusing other nations, the reconstituted empire would quietly become resurgent over the next month.

As the days went by, something could be felt changing. The silent factories and shipyards whirred back into life, allowing economic recovery. The Alliance could be seen struggling. Cultist rose to match the stagnated Coalition. The three blocs became superpowers in a new standoff unlike no conflict seen before. Varuna, too, prospered under Cultist's wing. Their moderate-leaning monarchy, born from reformist movements, powered their new ambitions. Together, they sent ships into the South Atlantic where the Alliance had left it cold and desolate. They sent more and more soldiers abroad to conflict zones to establish their presence as a peacekeeping force and ingratiate themselves with nearby nations. The old phenomenon of a Cultist state policing the Americans instead of a Coalition one became increasingly prevalent as the days went on. Nations began to flock to Cultist for support, including such countries as Império Lustiano and Aztec Syndicate. Aztec Syndicate dissolved itself and merged into Cultist shortly thereafter - a shockingly unexpected upheaval in the geopolitical realm.

It is here where Cultist wishes to peacefully expand its influence. An Amazonian breeze blows upon Floritania, upon exhausted Canada, and upon the tiny Kingdom of Tertia. They, too, struggle with economic crises and military conflicts. They had reached out to Cultist for support in these trying times, and Cultist was more than happy to oblige. Now they are involved in the crisis in the Atlantic, a flashpoint that threatens to throw the world into war again and forever change the balance of power between the dying East and the nascent West. A change is on the horizon: it is to be determined on the battlefields of America.

The Rise of Cultist about 1 year ago