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DanielEatsLox Member
DanielEatsLox over 2 years ago
If you are reading this, do not join Fendrels_Rest. The town is ruled by a seemingly kind, yet cruel leader, Wabbit_01. If he ever invites you to his regime, do not accept. Instead, I recommend joining a nation/town that dislikes him (So really anywhere else). I learned this the hard way. Mark my words.
Registered:over 2 years ago
Last Seen:over 2 years ago
Profile Views:787
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On the Map link, I think a feature should be added where you can view the territory of entire nations, not just their separated towns (And perhaps fill in the gap between towns so it looks better). That way it would be easier to recognize which towns are in which nation, and new players won't get confused on which territories are hostile and which ones aren't.

For The Map over 2 years ago