Goated mod, thank you for approving my appeal though I’m not unbanned yet
Epic staff big help awesome dude. 38 bean cans out of 14.5 tomatoe
Mistermook2 i commented my ip in my appeal. Can u pls go check?
Love the way you carry yourself lmao. Thanks for reducing my ban too :D
Hello! Welcome to my wall! If you're here to complain about a ban, please see the prior attempts below:
not here to complain about a ban, but a ban appeal, my appeal was rejected because I was supposedly not banned even though I most definitely are, I could send a screenshot of the ban message if you want to no rush though.
Alright well. My appeal got rejected for no apparent reason. You said ''learn to control your fellings'' when I already did that. And my ban happened a year ago. Could you develop more?
I've developed, I am now on a higher plane
Bro come on you are so fucking annoying I just want join again can you accept my fucking appeal I lost so much time on that shit server with orrible staff that can't do a fucking SS and see they are wrong when you see that I want excuse
Hello (you have been answered)
How was I not remorse I said I was sorry for my actions and I used the term jew as a joke please rethink my application as I have redone my application many times please rethink my application cause I am sorry and if you cant see that then thats on you.
Also please stop reacting to my ban appeals I think that you are targeting me and I would like other staff members to react to mine as you are targeting
I will not stop handling your ban appeals because you want me to. I have no idea who you are, we have never interacted, and I have no bias one way or the other. All I see is that you thought something was a joke when it was actually a slur. That's pretty open shut to me.
can u please rethink my application
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Last Seen:11 hours ago
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