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antogeo Admin
Turtl_tail 5 months ago
What I was saying is that what I said needed the context and the reason you had to be there when it happened to understand that nothing wrong happened I wish I worded that or said something else different but I just wanted to play and was feeling frustrated abad lmmfb sorry but I just want to play
WikiGoler665 6 months ago
come on bro, please un ban me, im just a builder who wants to build beatfull town, nothing more
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Nation Flag Approval Guide about 1 year ago

Those wither skeletons are from a datapack called incedium that provides our custom nether. The higher difficult mobs exist to provide a challenge for the players and an enjoyable adventure. It is also a way to get the player to make a strategy on how he can kill those mobs (hint: maybe going above them can help you)

Wither skeleton kills Player with Protection 4 Armor on 2 hits about 1 year ago

Hello, it would me much easier for us if you made a support ticket on our discord server and asked about these things there: https://discord.com/invite/earthmc
If you are unable we will take a look at your towns and respond when we have time

Terraforming and Town Rules Enforcement about 1 year ago