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xavian00 Member
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The California Tribune


The polls have opened as elections have begun in the NCR. An intense race between Danielhooded, Snaco, and Xmo is underway. However, a veil of uncertainty has descended on the region. Xavian, the nation's head industrialist, backed out of the race on the eve of election day and rumors of him leaving the NCR have begun circulating. The conflict between Alaska and the NCR has been escalating over the past two weeks and it seems as though war may erupt between the two nations. The Alaskans have demanded British Columbia be handed over while the NCR has openly refused. Raids carried out by Alaskan Valkyries have hindered development of several Californian towns and several sections of the first Californian highway stretching from British Columbia to Greenville were destroyed. 

While there has been little response from NCR citizens, they remain determined to push back the Alaskan threat. We have reached out to Xavian for comments on the matter but have yet to get a response from him. He is overseeing Fort Alvarez and tasked with preparing the region for potential war. However as the conflicts continue he has been increasingly absent along with current President Comrade. Meanwhile the economy has been steady despite the events unfolding. Thousands of dollars are being made daily by the nations elite. Multiple factories have risen up across the country with Lavalooter and Xavian overseeing most of them. Can the next president spark peace between the two nations or will war break out? Is the NCR ready for potential industrial and economic hardship? And how will the nations industry recover if its main contributors leave the nation

Stay tuned for more updates


An uncertain future for the NCR? 9 months ago