Pt 1: Trench warfare, as everyone knows, right now warfare is basicly a big chunk of armoured blocks with ganks, there is a bunker under the chunk of armoured blocks and to win a seige you need to get inside the bunker, kill as many people, and get as much points, when pvping, you need to try and get the enemy in the ganks in which they will either die of fall damage OR die from other pvpers in the ganks, in real life, there are more shallow ganks called trenches, you camp INSIDE THE TRENCHES and kill any enemy that comes out of their gank using ur rifles, or u can also use artillery or TANKS to break their trenches and kill the enemy, the trenches are sort of like a border, once you get past your enemys TRENCHES u can go on to occupy their land, this server is a ww1 based warfare server, it should not have EVEN OLDER WARFARE (forts = castle, ganks = moat) i wish zaify could somehow adjust the rules and forts and even CHANGE THE INTIRE WARFARE on nations to match irl
Pt 2: Potion Removing/Replacing, right now, there are potions in ccnet, which is very unrealistic, i wish zaify could add a new sf thingy called consumables machine that makes the following items: bandages, which are retextured lvl 1 heal pots, medical kits, which are retextured lvl 2 health pots, energy drink, which is retextured lvl 1 speed potions, super energy drink, which is retextured lvl 2 speed pots and the adrenaline syringe, which is retextured resistance potions, on top of that, you can still brew with potion stand but the potions it make cannot be used, and it will solely be used for mcmmo, also, the new consumables will be slightly more expensive than potions BUT the consumables machine makes them faster then normal potions, also when using a consumable, it is used instantly BUT the same type will be on a 5 second cooldown (for example, i used 1 bandage and all the other 10 bandages in my inventory go into cooldown, but i can still use my energy drink and medical kit), oh and i nearly forgot, these retextured potions CAN STACK but when u use they are not thrown, they just get “used” and give u the effects (“using” it is a right click and each “use” removes 1 of the item type you right clicked on).
I really wish zaify would add those following features/changes/updates as it would make ccnet even better and more realistic