ok ziefy.
I was thinking about how disgusting the towed artillery on the dumb truck is so how bout removing the dam thing from its unused miserable life that its in and add the self propelled artillery.
+add artillery cannon, long range cannon (firepower of 8) that can cause medium terrain damage, and can damage terracotta and concrete. But deals low amount of damage to custom health blocks (only works when using SP artillery shell). It can use:
-HE Shells
-Incendiary shells
-SP Artillery shell (Gives shell shock, and deal moderate damage to players)
1 Round/ 10s
It also can work like normal Howitzier with high arc shots.
This cannon can be mounted on a craft called SP Artillery that can be 300 block min - 700 block max with 10% Terracotta blocks.
The thing that makes this better than the towed artillery is that IT CAN ACUTALLY DEFEND ITSELF AGAINTS MOVECRAFT. This craft moves a bit slower than a normal tank.
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