so basicly this revamp contains a small revamp of cannons and their ammo and some changes to redstone/flyblocks in all crafts, also adds additions and nerfs to bombers and zeppelins
1. Cannons
so heres the deal, for example, i have a dreadnaught, as of right now, it can only hold 12 and 14 inch cannons, what i want to do is make it able to hold 4 and 9 inch cannons, according to this logic, cruisers can also have 4 inch cannons, so on, also add a new cannon, the 5 inch cannon ( i belive 1 is in the making already) and 5 inch cannons also apply to the logic above. (note that all that is only for NAVAL CRAFT (eg: cruisers, dreadnaughts, destroyers)
1.5: Cannons Part 2 (mainly ammo revamp)
basicly, rn naval craft can also fire incendinary shells, well this removed that, and adds in this, with this ammo revamp, there will be 3 new versions of shells, high explosive inched shells, incendinary inched shells, and AP inched shells
HE inched shells, as said, is basicly HE shells combined with naval shells, its power is determined by how powerfull the inched shell it is combined to, incendinary inched shells follow the same logic as the HE inched shells, incendinary shell power+inch naval shell power, however AP shells do not follow this rule, inched AP shells break terracotta, and after they break all terracotta in their reach, they explode after a "fuse", however if they don't hit terracotta, the "fuse" doesnt activate, if you can't get this, lets just imagine, i have a dread that has 2 layers of terracotta, and then its concrete and redstone behind that, so i fire a AP inched shell torwards the dread, the AP shell should have a hitbox of 1 block, so it would break the 2 blocks of terracotta in front of it or more blocks of terracotta if it comes down diagonally, then the shell hits a block of concrete, redstone, air or any other block that is not terracotta, then it activates its timed fuse and then the shell explodes as the same as the inched shell. now let me explain the "fuse", basicly, a fuse is a timer that starts when. the shell breaks the terracotta and hits any other block, after the fuse timer hits 0, the shell explodes as the same explosion of the inched shell combined with it, the fuse can be adjusted with a nametag named "0.[time]", obviously, the [time] there is how many 0.seconds you want the fuse to last, the fuse can last a mininum of 0.1 seconds and a maximum of 0.9 seconds, you can load multiple she;;s into a cannon reload but it will chose 1 when you pilot the craft, to change the type of shell in the cannon, you have to do command /changeshell [type of shell] [cannon inch (to specify what cannons to change in case] and wait for a reload for the shell to change, the reload time can also be changed. by the redstone amount (see next part)
redstone amount:
so right now a craft has to have a minimum redstone amount to be piloted, or iron/blast furnaces/redstone lamp for other crafts, lets just say it as flyblocks, here, the more extra flyblocks you have, the lower the time it takes for cannons to reload/change ammo, and it also slightly increases speed, simple idea (THIS ALLPIES TO ALL CRAFTS. AND THEIR FLYBLOCKS)
bomber zeppelin changes/nerfs:
basicly this adds 3 new cannons to bombers and zeppelins (well zeppelins can't carry one of them) they are: bomber gatling gun, aka bomber MG, only used for bombers, 40 mm guns, for bomber and zeppelin, and 120mm guns, for bombers and zeppelins, first up is the bomber MG, it fires at a slightly faster speed than fighter MGs, it can only damage air crafts, for. example: bombers, fighters and zeppelins, it does not damage non air crafts, eg: dread, corvette, tank, it is made via the fighter MG crafting recipie but the steel turns into damascus also a bomber can only have 1 bomber MG, next is the 40 mm gun for zeppelin and bomber, a zeppelin can have 4 40mm guns while a bomber can only have 2, its powerfullness and explosion is basicly the same as a 40 mm round, do that maths yourself, a 40 mm gun has a magazine, magazine size is 2, after firing 1 round you have to wait 0.5 seconds for the other round to load in, after both 2 rounds are used it is a 2 second reload for the 40 mm gun the 40 mm gun can hit both air and GROUND targets and i don't know how it should be crafted, think about it youself, also i nearly forgot this, each bomber/zeppelin can only have 1 selection of guns, aka you cant have both gatling and 40 mm gun on a bomber, either have 1 gatling gun or 2 40mm guns, however for the 40 mm. and 120 mm guns, which you can have multiple of, you can also have 1,2,3,4 of them, just no more than the maximum that i mentioned above, finally it is the 120 mm gun, it has no magazine and can hit both air and land targets, although air targets are harder to aim, a zeppelin can have 4 of 120mm gun and bomber can have 2 of 120mm gun, it has reload time of 5 seconds and i obviously don't know how its crafted, figure it out youself again, also also i dont know how these guns should be build, as always, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF LAMO
anyways thats all for this not so slight revamp