The current silver rates are a joke. I dont think it was worth it to punish the community that has been spending hundreds upon hundreds of $ for building these large setups with tier III machinery and such for silver. I havent been able to bring myself to produce any money because 1) Im never going to mine, and 2) I dont like the trade goods CCNet trades. The current silver rates, last time I tried, were like 1,2k$ / 2 inventories of sifted ore. Now that's just plain terrible considering fuel costs and all. Are you still in a profit? Yes. Does it feel worth it? No, not at all. In fact it feels like I'm wasting my time as I'm being scammed by a server. There will be people here that love trade and love building machines for random people, love farming nether stars and runes and make their whole profit out of it, or mine for very long sessions that will not like this suggestion saying silver is ruining economy. Silver made everything more fun, for me atleast and encouraged me to do more stuff ingame as I actually had money for once, as it's a quite boring process which I cant bring myself to grind for hours upon hours like EmperorRois so my silver income was decent to say the least. I've been spending my income for countless machinery the past few months and distributed it among people aswell, only for it to now become simply not worth the time. I could still grind silver yes, but why would I when the reward is so low? Like I said its an extremely boring process which exhausts you as it's monotone. But not that monotone, repetitive process rewards you with a nickle and a half. Revere the silver rates. I actually want to run a town without going to mine and constructing expensive sf materials or runes so the town stays alive.