Idk if staff is considering the majority of players that don't mine for 7 hours for an income,2-4 ppl have over 100k $ from mining (very debatable aswell) and the lack of other sources of income ruins the economy. IRL people would have jobs,country industry would sell stuff,import export but stuff like this are almost wiped out from CCNet. Upkeep is quite high,to build a town you need people and to get people you need living space and to attract people you need even more space. It takes a toll on economy when there is simply no source of income anymore unlike older times,Im very tired of this situation where I just spend my whole balance by just existing. Used to be the richest player when trade was a thing but now it's all about miners the rest of us get nothing
I...think players and staff need to consider both of these. We need some other way of income thats not mining. Dont get me started on naval siege regions,you spend more than earn.
As for the miners..you can kindly shut,no one cares that you make "30k$ in 1 min of mining" we all know it's cap and no one rly cares about it.