Plastic, love it or hate it it is a very useful and flexible material in the real world (if any of you have heard of that) I find it unfortunate how it's not used for nearly anything in game! Plastic should play a bigger part in sf as it is an interesting resource to grind for and will contribute to the international economy and especially the trade of oil, i see it as a replacement for iron in certain recipes, perhaps even new ones. Plastic deserves a bigger role in slimefun and CCNet nations as a whole. It is an underused resource and needs to be fleshed out more, perhaps new movecraft missiles could use plastic in their construction, new (maybe even slightly more automated) machines using higher tier resources might include plastic in their recipes, new guns: Plastic. Plastic is great in the real world so it would only be fair to make it great in game. Please Zaify can we get more plastic items in nations.
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