It has occured to me that Zeps have indeed become one tap movecraft vessels.
The 2022 Movecraft Update has been a disaster for the Zeppelin class and the Zeppelin class enjoyers.
Not only have Zeppelins became actually trash in transport itself which was the reason they were liked, but they're quite literally one tap from any sort of cannon that isnt woolen as long as they're not 5k blocks +, but even then theoretically with 1 incendiary shell, they're one tap.
I havent used zeps and gave most of them away after the zep updates despite being one class that I used a lot more than the others. Once I decided to use one again I realised how bad they were and why I stopped using them.
Cant fly high like before, a mountain could halt them essentialy and over water theyre a mere few blocks above it.
Cant take a hit, literally, I said it 5 times already.
Does it need more to be worse? It has the cargo feature that makes it better on transporting stuff, but why the hell would I use sth so vulnerable yet so delicate for transporting any sort of valuables? Thank Zaify I didnt!
Fix it being 1 tap make it like other crafts sink at like 75-80% or sth not 99%
Maybe increase Y height freedom in return do the same for fighters.
It wont change much no need to complain about it affecting any metas, it just would make its usage more feasible. Also concrete on zeps? Why not.