small change to cruisers and dreadnoughts and destroyers and submarines (Torpedoes update)
deepwater bombs: a special depthcharge only for dreadnoughts and cruisers, unlike depthcharges, deepwater bombs explode after going down a amount of blocks and if it hasnt touched any block, it explodes, this means that it would not be too op because submarines can just dive down to prevent getting hit however is a thing in case a submarine is high up.
sonar guided torpedoes: for destroyers ONLY, the current 2 block size torpedoes can be guided via a 'sonar', the pilot of the destroyer renames a spyglass 'Sonar', and when used and is aimed at a enemy ship, the pilot can left click to fire a "sonar wave" which is a sonic wave thingy from the warden (does no damage and is to just show), if the sonar wave hits the enemy ship, all torpedoes with size 2 fired before and has not yet hit a target will be auto guided to the enemy ship, HOWEVER destroyers and submarines cannot be locked on by a sonar, and countermeasures from destroyers have a 50% chance to fail disarming sonar guided torpedoes.
Submarine oxygen: once a submarine dives down a depth lower than 3 blocks the submarine begins counting oxygen, oxygen timer goes down every second and a submarine starts with 300 seconds of oxygen(5 minutes) oxygen can can only be replenished by going to a depth higher than 3 blocks or oxygen replenishers(hay bales), each hay bale gives. 30 seconds of extra oxygen and the submarine has a limit of 1% hay bale, once oxygen reaches 0 random blocks of the submarine dissapear and thus lowering the hull integrity.