Seriously, some people have to wait multiple days, weeks or even their whole ban duration to get their ban appeal being looked at.
It is just frustrating having to wait so many days without even getting a little response like: "I will look at your appeal tomorrow" or "I already have you appeal on the list, it wont last long until i can work on yours" BUT NO its complety silent if you ask for your appeal.
We just want to play on the server again , have fun, shooting people or just rolling ppl over with our movecrafts.
Why are there even ban appeals when you basicly just wait your whole ban duration (except if you are perma-banned ofc) so your appeal gets answered.
I think it would be good if there were some Mods who only work on appeals so that the players can play after 1 or max. 2 days again. (If your appeal gets accepted ofc).
This would help many waiting players ,who just hope everyday to be unbanned. (especially when you got banned for something you didn´t do. (and yes, I am annoying I know.))