So my idea for landmines isn't that they'd be an instakill or be placed so much that it looks like Ukraine. My idea is that they'd be something that isn't stackable and only one or two can be placed inside a single chunk. I think them doing about the same amount of damage as a grenade would be balanced. The idea of landmines is that they wouldn't be visible with the f3+b and that they'd do a considerable amount of damage to a fully armored player and MAYBE a little bit of damage to vehicles? If this were added then the use of mine-clearing vehicles using flyblocks to detonate the mines actually would be really interesting. The whole idea of this is so that a marching army advancing on a position can't just beeline to their to their target without risk of becoming Lieutenant Dan (If you don't get that joke, I hate you). The point is that land behind enemy lines should be very dangerous to travel if not prepared.