Currently, players comming out of friendly claims recieve a 15 second immunity timer against pvp, to prevent unsuspecting players from being instantly killed as they step out of claims.
As someone who has (unfortunately) both camped and been camped a lot, I don't believe this is an effective mitigation/solution to the camping problem.
Camping in-and-of-itself might result in kills, but the intrinsic nature of camping is to prevent someone from playing the game properly. When I camp someone, I am basically saying: "Hey, you know how you need to exit your town claims for rescources and to properly play the game? That is now unsafe for you to do." I am not there specifically for taking their effort in the form of equipment loss, I am there to stop them from enjoying the game properly by THREATENING the loss of their work.
Smarter players will also know not to directly camp a town's borders, but to camp the town's transportation systems-ie, trainlines, iceroads, surface roads, or the towns route to ./ah. These are nessecary routes for someone to engage fully with ccnet, and the focus will be to take that away from them. The length of these passages render the 15 second pvp immunity completely OBSOLETE.
From experience, campers know how, where, and when to camp a town mostly by looking on the world minimap. It's extremely easy to zoom in and discern the roads/commonly used locations of anyone on the map if they are not properly hidden. When I see someone in their town, I am also given a general location to facilitate camping.
The current method of becomming invisible on the world map is inconvenient and inconsistent. Newer players, who are more directly impacted by camping, do not nessecarily have the rescources to be hidden on map. The map is also prone to glitches and sometimes shows players even when they have the weapon+compass combo properly configured.
Here's where my suggestion comes in-I believe it would be of great benefit if there were changes to the requirements of how players are hidden on the world minimap; whether through command toggling, or having newbies automatically hidden on map unless they chose to appear using playtime and ranking, similiar to the new player protection we have installed.
TL;DR: Having only 15 seconds of immunity does not mitigate the camping problem, because camping is meant to take away basic functions you need to enjoy the game, not nessicairily to walk away with a kill. Suggest improving minimap tactical invisibility settings and make it easier for new players to utilize.