Friendly fire forces:
- Good coordination
- Better Tactics
- Prevents mindless spamming
(although I think it should be re-enabled for scoped sniper rifles)
I want to consider that now guns require more thinking to use, we pursue the strategy focussed on by a lot of advocates of the new change. That being grand strategy. I want to promote a system that removes huge PVP advantage that is foreign to CCNet or inherit to Minecraft and replace it with a system that requires a new form of PVP similar to that of games such as TF2 or other Arcade shooters.
Firstly, pvpers need to stop acting as if being able to use Minecraft PVP is a God given right, it is on new means better than gun pvp. Both require different skills and are affected by different obstacles. However it is clear, that the learning curve for gun pvp is significantly smaller. So what if we were to increase the variation between guns with certain effects like jump boost, speed, strength, slowness and created a dynamic system where each gun pre-elects some sort of class (without being an official selection menu). The idea is to create classes, without creating classes. To offer different ways to use guns rather than point and click hitscan weapons.
Guns on CCNet feel lifeless, they arent satisfying to shoot, or fun to use. We need to focus on how guns feel, that might mean using alternative plugins or changing the dynamics of the guns to make it feel more satisfying. Its hard to explain, but bear with me... different games have different feel to guns at a basic point. Playing CSGO and playing Battlefield give incredibly different feels to guns. And I think we need to determine what we want that feel to be. Perhaps recoil animations or making more powerful guns that fire slower may be in order? I really recommend the CCnet team to make a Gun Channel - similar to movecraft and discuss the possibilities of a 2nd gun overhaul.