People quite often seem to bring up stuff such as guns doing too much damage. Lets add a statistic in game that tracks damage done in pvp assaults so that everyone can see the numbers behind it. It would be beneficial to development team as well since they will be able to accurately adjust damages and whatnot since they will have a reliable feedback loop that isnt reliant on feelings.
The way this can be done is simple tracking of total damage dealt while inside the assault region and then at the end of it give like a top 5-10 ranking based on damage as well as showing your own damage at the bottom. It can even be made a top 1-3 if there is extra statistics added like gun accuracy, shots fired, healing done and so on
Tracking shouldnt be too hard to add. You can pull and save players damage dealt statistic as they enter the region and subtract it with the damage dealt at the end of it. It also counts damage done towards mobs but there arent mobs in the region to the point of it being a valid factor for spoofing damage