So I think there are some things that could be changed or added to firearms that would be neat but not too dramatic of a change. Some of these are based on other people's suggestions that I thought were good ideas.
1. Guns that have a FULL magazine should have the capability of being UNLOADED by pressing F to give you its magazine.
2. All rifles should be in factory layout, meaning NO scope. Scopes should be an entirely separate item that can be added on to rifles using an auto-enchanter or just a standard anvil. These scopes would go from short range, medium range, and long range, with long range giving some extra render distance, as inspired by RuleBlock's suggestion. Link is here if you want to look at it. https://ccnetmc.com/suggestions/view/2485-gewehr%2C-and-scoped-guns/
3. Based on the previous suggestion, certain rifles should have restrictions on what scopes can be added. I would suggest that the Mosin-Nagant M44, the Carcano M91, and the M1 Garand all only be limited to short-range scopes. Machine guns, the Jezail, and the Tankgewehr M1918 shouldn't have any scopes at all.
These are some of the ones I could think of off the top of my head. Feedback would be appreciated.