Currently, while not explicitly mentioned in the rules, staff are working on legal convention that all movecraft belongs to the town mayor.
This is not only not compatible with the idea of individual rights to belongings but also harmful as it encourages people to make more towns instead of forming proper civilisations .
I'd like to differentiate 2 types of items.
Personal items are items of any calibre that are deemed to be of personal use to sell or to manufacture. These items can be ship materials and sets.
All goods start off personal, however will become millitary if
A) materials become warships (excluding armoured merchantmen as per normative assumptions of travel).
B) Items that have millitary value are present at a siege zone for express purpose of sieging.
The town mayor could seize millitary vessels but not civilian ones. As seizure of civilians vessels undermines the same principles as stealing from locked chests.
This still applies to civilian vehicles with personal materials that could be of military value as they only become millitary if present in a siege zone for it's specific use as such or if converted into millitary movecraft.
This is a much better way to constitute what the rights of an individual are and the rights of a town mayor are.
It makes little sense to deprive people of their hard earned labour because the mayor captured a ship. For example of I were to put all my belongings to cargo, and a my town mayor changed... The town mayor has no moral or legal justification to take my stuff. As explained prior it creates subjectivity and on top of that it discourages larger port towns. As why park ships if your ships are constantly at risk of being seized?
There is little way to justify this given staff consciously are aware of said issue.