Cultist, Sahara, British, German, American, Russian... all of these are armour and sword skins that can be added by renaming the piece. I have some suggestions below that both overhaul the current tool-skin-change system AND adds some more.
First off, I think that, if possible, armour and swords having their skin changed should be done with a lore line instead of a name. I personally like naming my swords cool or funny things, but that kinda takes away the ability to change the sword's skin. Same goes for armour. I'm not sure if this is possible, but if it is, that would be awesome.
Secondly, I have some vague suggestions for different sword types that are all named-skins that are purely cosmetic.
- Cavalry Saber
- Claymore
- Broadsword
- Sickle
- Scimitar
- Gladius
- Rapier
- Machete
- Cutlass
- Longsword
- Dao
Now for armour. Again, these are purely cosmetic.
-British Gas Mask
-German Gas Mask
-British Splatter Mask
-British Officer Hat
-German Officer Hat
-Russian Officer Hat
I'm sure there are more that can be added, but I tried to give a diverse list of blades and armour. Perhaps some of these swords can even be held differently if they're named; like really long swords (No, they don't have more range) could be held at an angle or tilted downward.
I would really like some feedback for more ideas on sword and armour types, and feedback from staff on how this could be changed to make it happen! :D