Right now, in order to register your builds for theft protection, you have to post them on this website's forum. There's an obvious issue with this, in that... the build is on display. For everyone to see. Where they can just... take it. Rather counterintuitive, if you ask me.
After asking around (please correct me if I'm wrong), it looks like there is no way to privately submit pictures of your builds so that only you and staff can see it, which is a big problem. To solve this, I have a rather simple solution.
Have a new "ticket" type that anyone can open only one of (exceptions for special cases, of course) that is only there for people to dump pictures of their builds in. That way, only you and staff can see your builds, keeping them secure and registered at the same time. That way, if there is a dispute, it's much easier for staff to look through your pictures on discord and look up key words and members than on some website. This also (I think) lightens the workload on staff because it's all put on a discord channel that staff don't even have to look at unless there are problems with other players.
I believe this is a much better way of registering builds because it keeps your own designs private while at the same time securing them against theft and making it easier for staff to check builds for theft/authenticity.