So a lot of people agree, that if you grinded enough for Excelsior, it should have at least the same, if not more perks than Supporter. "There won't be an overlap between roles, but feel free to suggest new ones." - Rick
Here I am once again:
→ `/motto` - whenever the player joins the server, their motto (a message set by them) will be announced whenever they join the server
→ `/toggleitemdrops ` - the function to toggle the item drops only to a specific hotbar slot (sword, food), so you can still drop excess items from your inventory
→ `/sit` and `/lay` - I think this is self explanatory
→ "custom kit" - like supporters have premium furniture kit, excelsiors could have smth like that as well
→ `/relore` and `/rename` but for a price - maybe like $100 after each use of a command
Take in mind, I don't "want" all of these to be added. I just brought together a few ideas, I would like to see, and which would not break server mechanics.