A new tool, which detects players in a 200 block radius.
How it works:
It would have 2 types: all (notifies u about all players), unallied (only notifies of unallied players)
It will be a compass, and you need to hold it in ur off-hand. Also hides u from map.
Ik it sounds ridiculous, thats why I was thinking a really expensive crafting recipe with new components:
reinforced plate | blistering ingot | reinforced plate
power crystal | advanced circuit board | power crystal
reinforced plate | blistering ingot | reinforced plate
Motherboard (All):
advanced circuit board | advanced circuit board | advanced circuit board
advanced circuit board | gps Transmitter | advanced circuit board
advanced circuit board | advanced circuit board | advanced circuit board
Motherboard (Unallied):
advanced circuit board | advanced circuit board | advanced circuit board
advanced circuit board | advanced gps transmitter | advanced circuit board
advanced circuit board | advanced circuit board | advanced circuit board
hardened glass | hardened glass | hardened glass
hardened glass | android memory core | hardened glass
hardened glass | hardened glass | hardened glass
Player Detector:
| Detector |
| Motherboard |
| Interface |