What if there could be groups in nation leadership, like irl. Leaders vs Chancellors or a new role.
They would have to fight and get votes from members. If Chancellors win, they swap roles with leaders. And a Capital vote between the new leaders towns will start.
Or a bit more primitive way of this one, if Chancellors could start propaganda.
`/propaganda start` will open a menu where you set settings. Name, Goal, Propaganda leaders, Propaganda followers.
After creation u can invite people to propaganda with `/propaganda invite`.
Players who arent part of it, could report it to the leaders with `/propaganda report `.
A propaganda will result in an inside nation rebellion after:
- the propaganda reached enough followers (10-20% of nation total residents) amd has been started by a propagandaeader with `/propaganda rebellion start`.
- one of the nation leaders stops the propaganda with `/propaganda stop `
If the rebel is lost by the propaganda, the nation gets a propaganda immunity timer of 2 weeks.
If the rebel is won, the nation leaders get demoted to chancellor, and the propaganda leaders will get coleader, and a vote will start for the leader/capital.