Add an anti air machinegun with high fire speed which fires automatically when aimed at a aircraft, uses “Autocannon Ammo” which gives 100 bullets to the autocannon. After the 50 bullets are used it will require 5 seconds to reload. Able to be put on trucks with a limit of 1. Has around 70 degrees of aim angle vertically upwards, 20 degrees of angle vertically downwards, 50 degrees of angle horizontally. Able to deal light damage to non aircraft vechicles (dude its a gatling gun it shouldn’t be so bad).
Firing Modes: Autofire: with a clock, aiming torwards a aircraft, if the crosshair is near or on the craft, the autofire starts and the gun fires automaticly without need of the player (player can move crosshair away and switch item)until the aircraft is out of the cannons range. Autofire calculates where to fire automaticly by calculating the speed and height of the plane so that the bullets wont be right behind the plane and never hit but also wont be aimbot so all the bullets hit, we should add a light miscalculation so it wouldnt be too op. The player can use shift to change firing speed with the following selections: 10bullets/second 20 bullets/second 30 bullets/second 40 bullets/second 50 bullets/second and 100 bullets/second. Due to only being able to have 100 bullets and having a light miss it wouldnt be too op cus even at the lowest fire speed the bullets would run out in 10 seconds and then you need 5 seconds to reload or u can make reload longer.
Firing mode 2: Manual fire: player presses certain button to switch from autofire to manual fire, in manual fire the player needs to manually aim towards enemy craft and rightclick to fire. Can use shift to toggle firing speed with same speed selections as autoaim except with a extra 5bullets/second
Damage: due to having a large amount of bullets and even having autofire we should lower the damage to aircraft by activating block hp to blocks hit by the bullet (as in plane block damage stays put but when hit by a autocannon bullet instead of just breaking or not breaking its block hp gets lowered by 1. Does not affect other damage like aa gun or fighter cannon as in the 2 hps are seperated. Normal damage is normal damage and autocannon damage is autocannon damage). The damage torwards normal crafts(tank, ship etc) should be low, as in 10% chance to break a block with direct hit so the maximum is 10 blocks broken with a entire magazine with direct hits.
Ammo craftting: similar to fighter autocannon craftting except maybe using damascus steel.
Overall i think its quite balanced and just normal aa guns arent good enough now. Its damage and hit chance wouldnt be so big so thats good. Give it extra particles so people with firepower deficiency phobia dont die (some people just like spamming a large amount of firepower and single aa bullets arent good enough. We need gatling guns)