I want to point out something perhaps not widely known. In the past nation range was 12k and so was sieging range, 12k. Well fort limits didnt exist so u could directly own towns 12k blocks away. Now range of nations has dropped to 10k for what seems to be a year or two and the siege range I think is still 12k.
If thats very true its kind of goofy you can siege something you cant make a sb on.
Apart from that I wanna state, what would be wrong with being able to recruit 12k away as long as you have a fort within 4k of it? I never understood why they dropped the total range by 2k. I remember being able to have towns in Alaska with my NA nation 2 years ago and then the update happened forced to kick them out and make them a vassal. Its not really an issue for most nations but in continents like NA or places like Russia and the Eurasian Steppe which are comically wide or places like africa and SA which are tall it means you wont be able to touch land directly logically connected to your continent unless youre in the middle of it.
Not that I personally want anymore as our towns in Alaska are mostly long gone and I dont particulary care much for recruiting that far, but I realized 12k siege 10k nation is goofy and 12k is more fitting in nation range terms if you take into acount larger continents that arent EU and Australia or diverse like Asia and countries like Russia (irl). I'd argue for even more range but then it gets weird lmao