Currently the command /sfcalc calc can only tell us the amount and the items needed to can craft a slimefun item. Such as for example if I want to calculate what I need for 5 apple pies; /sfcalc calc apple_pie 5 gives mes :
5 of [wheat], 5 of [apple], 5 of [sugar]. My problem is simple : if I want to calculate what I need for multiple different items, for example 3 apple pies, 53 blueberry pancakes, and 23 igneous processors (this is an example don't blame me for the incoherence between the items), I can't do it in one single command and have an overview of all I gonna need for those 3 type of items I want to craft. Calculating it by myself could become pain as soon I gonna need tons of things. And it would be useful to can have an overview for what we need to craft some different items. For that I propose we can add the the command "/sfcalc calc *item* *how many of this item*" by "/sfcalc calc *item* *how many of this item* ; *item* *how many of this item*;" which would give us, by retaking my example, "/sfcalc calc apple_pie 3 ; blueberry_pancake 53 ; igneous_processor 23". ";" would be used to separate each different item in the command.