Everyone on the server agrees, that hoppers are a bit too slow.
I also know, that they are made to be slow to prevent lag, and lag machines.
I have found a solution: 2 types of hoppers!!!
1. Normal hopper
- This hopper would stay as it is right now
- Has the vanilla crafting recipe
- This is necessary to stay, if people wanna use auto sorters
2. Bulk hopper
- This hopper would be way slower then the previous one, which prevents lag
- This hopper would move items by stacks, not 1 by 1; This satisfies players, to move items faster, but still reduce server lag
- This hopper would have the vanilla recipe with a small change: {trapped chest instead of normal one} or {2 chests (1 above the other in vanilla recipe)}
Since hoppers create lag by how fast they are, and not how many items they move, this will solve lag issues.