Right now, "pirates" don't really exist because most players wouldn't choose having their life spared for their cargo and will die to protect it, while at the same time, rarely do attacks on commercial ships end with that ship being looted; most of the time no cargo is spared as the ship is completely destroyed. Not only does this mean there is a huge loss of valuable goods, but also no incentive for piracy. While shipwrecks could be a solution, debris in water is already a big issue and adding more is not the best way to go. My suggestion is that if you are on a craft (ship, tank, zeppelin, truck) and SvS tag another craft and manage to bring it to sinking percentages, a chat option will pop up asking you if you want to continue firing at the ship or sink it. During this time, the incapacitated ship cannot move and cannot operate any of its weapons or abilities such as countermeasures. It also cannot be further damaged (so that a stray shell doesn't end up sinking the craft on accident). If you click "yes," the craft proceeds to sink. If you click "no," then the craft will remain in place and all items in all container blocks (cargo, fuel, ammunition) will be transferred to container blocks on your ship. After this is done, the incapacitated ship proceeds to sink. If you don't click yes or no within 10 seconds, the incapacitated ship automatically sinks. During "incapacitation" mode, pilots are released from the ship, but the ship is still technically piloted until it's looted/sinks. The looting should be random, so if your craft doesn't have enough container blocks to carry all the cargo from the other craft you plundered, then you simply miss out on potential loot gained. While a craft is incapacitated, both it and the attacking craft remain SvS tagged, so they cannot enter town claims and the attacking pilot cannot release their craft. The only crafts capable of being incapacitated are Zeppelins, Armed Merchantmen, East Indiamen, Caravels, Cogs, Trucks, and Cargo Ships, but all craft types are able to plunder, meaning if a submarine attacks a caravel, then that submarine can plunder the caravel, but if a tank attacks a heavy tank, then no plundering can occur.