This is gonna be long, but bare with me.
First, lets talk about loans. Why does the server need it? It would help people start out on something. For example:
- Someone wants to have a slime fun setup. Doesn't wanna grind from zero, but doesn't have the money. Takes up a loan to buy the setup, then with the setup, he makes the money to pay back the loan.
- The person who gives out the loan will get his money back with interest.
In the end its worth for both sides.
How would the loans work? `/loans`
There would be a menu, similar to `/contracts` or `/ah`; It would have 2 categories: 1-Interests, 2-Loaners.
- If you want to give out loans, you can add yourself to the list with `/loans signup loaner (maximum loan you give out) (*optional* interest percentage)`. And from now on, you'll be on `/loans list loaners`. There can also be a lower limit, like: you can't sign up if you can't give out 10K for loan.
- If you want to get a loan, and you cannot find a loaner who has the amount you need, you can add yourself to the other list with `/loans signup interested (amount of money you need) (interest percentage) (payback due)`
- If you want to loan from someone already on the list, you do `/loans loan (user) (amount) (interest percentage) (payback due)` and it will send a proposal to the loaner. He can accept it `/loans accept (user)` or propose a change in the interest or in the due date `/loans change (user) (interest percentage) (due)`.
These actions should be doable from the menu as well, for easier handling.
How do you pay back the loans?
When making the loans there could be a new modifier in the command: autopay and manualpay.
- Autopay: `/... autopay (time interval)` "time interval" here means how often money is transferred from you balance to the loaner's. It would automatically calculate how much money it will take from you every time to finish by the loan due date.
- Manualpay: you just have to pay back the money by the due date, doesn't matter how or when.
What happens if a player can't pay back a loan?
The remaining money needed is payed to the loaner, so he doesn't suffer loss.
The user who didn't pay back the loan with the interest will:
- If he had the money: lose the money needed to be payed, and get punished by needing to pay the 2x interest
- If he doesn't have enough money: he loses the amount of money needed to payed back, by going into depth, and by the punishment of 2x going into an even deeper depth. While in depth, cant take loans, cant pay for anything.