Everyone on the server agrees, that hoppers are a bit too slow.
I also know, that they are slow to reduce lag.
How hoppers create lag?
This video explains it: https://youtube.com/shorts/VQAugO0V43I?si=u0s85-zMNNF_7mVU
So hoppers create lag by checking for items, and by moving them. So why not make the hoppers slower, but move bulk items at a time. It would reduce the lag, because the hoppers will be updated slowly, but will be efficient, because it could move 1 entire stack at a time.
So here are 2 types of hoppers:
1. Normal hopper
- This hopper would stay as it is rn, maybe a bit faster
- Has the vanilla crafting recipe
- This is necessary to stay, if people wanna use auto sorters
- This is the laggier hopper, but it would be less used
2. Bulk hopper
- This hopper would be slower then the previous one, which prevents lag
- This hopper would move items by stacks, not 1 by 1; This makes it efficient
- This hopper would have the vanilla recipe with a small change: redstone dust above the chest in the recipe
There you go! Everyone happy :D