So I figured out it could be a good idea to add investments on CCnet, it wouldn't change the economy and it would add some interesting features such as :
- Players, towns or nations investing into a player, town or a nation, for example a player called A invest 3k$ right from his balance into a player called B, they set terms that the player B would pay 400$ every 2 days to player A (the transaction would be automatic), for 11 days, so player B got 3k to get his business a beginning boost (let's say he bought a silver farm and made money with it to pay the transactions every 2 days) and player A just made 1.4k by investing.
This would also work for towns / nations but instead of taking the money from players balance it would come from the town / nation bank. Towns and nations could invest into players, towns and nations, while players could invest into other players, towns and possibly nations .
-If the contract isn't respected (let's say player B tried to scam player A by not making enough money to pay the transaction), if Player B didn't had enough money to pay Player A the transactions said in the contract, Player A would get back the investment money and Player B would lose all the money from the investment (or even the double), even if it makes his balance negative. Same goes for towns and nations, but with negative balance they would go bankrupt and they would fall.
- A /investments list for the list of investments, and /Investments with the Investments menu where you could ask for an investment for you, your town or your nation. You could ban the nation enemies from investing into your nation, and before every investment, if someone accepted to invest into you / your town / nation, you could accept / deny the investor (I wouldn't accept an investment from someone I dislike).
-Players could use the investment feature only if they are explorer, so they wouldn't be fraud with new players just buying something with the investment money and giving it to someone who plays, and then stop playing.