I know it will probably not get added but still wanted to suggest it to see what happens. I was thinking for the Halloween month to add a type of horror mod in short. Make the mob spawn every 8 ccnet nights or when in ingame moon if full, a mob that will spawn to stalk the player trying to slowly get closer to the player. Mabe give it a herobrine like behavior. The mob cannot kill the player the point of this is to mabe give an environmental experience of the player not really being alone and that something is watching him. Give it special audio or sound when its near the player (300 blocks near the player) To be able to only spawn in the overworld (the surface) mabe have one of those mobs spawn every 1kby 1k blocks in the whole map or if seen to little of a radius make it bigger. Would be interesting for more scariess when the player is near this mob to give the player blindness effect (100 blocks). (The mob to not be able to interfere with seiges or pvp or svs battles) think it would be an interesting October only month idea to be added to ccnet. Hope this is added...
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