Okay, here comes a controversial one. Im making the suggestion myself because i know many people are thinking about this.
BDM Doors is being used in unfair ways in sieges by digging massive holes with blocks above it and then activating it effectively “ganking” someone. Here’s my reasoning why it should be illegal.
1. The Unfair times when it is used. these are used in ways that are so unfair. Let’s say at the recent boschia siege. greymesa is coming to banner all the way from toronto when Zimotheus (lore accurate) activates a bdm trap under greys feet ganking him and then since grey isn’t very good at pvp and is a gunspammer. it sends him all the way back over 10k blocks back.
2. New player friendly, Imagine if your a new player and your heading to a boschia siege. you finally get there and are heading to the banner after hearing them tell you to come to banner when you instantly get sent into a hole with drip stone killing you. Is that going to make you want to play more sieges or ever do a siege again? probably not.
3. No way of detecting it easily. it is rly difficult to detect one of these without digging around or if it is obviously flat.
4. Is it really fun? How is putting someone in a hole everytime they leave their base actually fun. Fact is. it isn’t fun. some travel over 1 hour to come to the siege. just to die to a bs method in the siege. it isn’t fun.
That’s why i believe bdm’s should be illegal in siege zones. (Please share ur honest opinion and don’t just downvote)