1) Make a new block (let's call it shipyard block for now) related to sf that is in charge of printing things, not to expensive rather for mid game. It would require for example this 2 new blocks to print 3k blocks and so on until it reaches 15k blocks which in total to print larger builds would require 10 shipyard blocks. It would have for example 5x5x5 radius for searching for chests and you basically wouldn't need this minimum of 75 blocks to print anything. To pilot it you only need this blocks (or even not pilot it at all if it's possible). This shipyard blocks would only search for chests or barrels and use items from it to print and the schematic first block should be connected with radius of shipyard (reminder 5x5x5). To not always change the place of your shipyard blocks you could add them to some movecrafts like trucks trains and ships.
2) make a block related with sf (let's call it a chassis) that could always somehow tell the movecraft plugin that this is the edging point where it should stop looking for further blocks that could connect. This block could be placed as a trapdoor, if it's placed vertically it stops your movecraft from searching blocks that are 1 block further in x or z coordinates and if it's placed horizontally it stops searching for blocks that are 1 block further on y dimensions
3) just add a new shipyard that can't print only one thing and this thing would be a new block built from stone chunk (this little stone parts coming from sifted ore when you sift it in gold pan). The new block could be built by matching stone with stone chunks in crafting table and it would separate shipyard from the ground. To be clear you wouldn't need it to move because it's different shipyard from the basic one. This one can print each block obtainable in survival + path blocks + field blocks + stripped mushroom blocks in whatever shape you made it on creative before (if it's too op then make this blocks extra paid).
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