Some of you might be familiar with the ideas of siegewar requirements, have atleast explorer rank. 9 loyalties and 12 hours of playtime. This all seems fairly reasonable until the 12 hours of playtime.
It’s unnecessary and counterproductive. This excludes good players who can contribute in the sieges but are new.
Playing for a long time doesn’t mean someone isn’t prepared for things like sieges especially when usually someone is teaching you how to play sieges well.
Now I know this requirement is set up also for anti spam recruiting but there is already the mcmmo rank up, and the loyalties. For people with little free time this requirement would mean they would have to have their PC on ONLY for ccnet to get these hours in, for example if someone can play an hour per day. This would take 12 days straight of not doing anything else on your computer but sitting on ccnet waiting for your 12 hours. How is that in any sense fair?
This would open up a more flexible system for people who can’t be active at all times in their first weeks to get this requirement done just so they can partake in key events of the server
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