With the recent changes in how vassals work, their main benefit aka the claim bonus has been removed. This essentially removes all value to having vassal nations since there weren't many features in the first place. Currently it costs 20DP (diplomatic points) to vassal a nation and to be a vassal, this is double the amount of DP needed for an alliance but doesn't really provide extra benefits now that the claim bonus is gone too. What are the main problems? - vassals costing too much DP for a small amount of benefit to the parent nation - people abusing the vassal mechanic just to get extra claims - close to 0 real features that people actually use (besides the extra claims) How do I think these problems could be solved? Vassals costing too much DP - Imo this problem could be solved by making the DP required to vassal nations scale depending on either residents, amount of towns or amount of town blocks with the base DP cost being 10 and going up to the current default of 20. People abusing the vassal mechanic just to get extra claims - Make it so that the parent nation needs to pay daily upkeep for every vassal they own, also scaling off of either how many residents, towns or town blocks. If this upkeep would be left unpaid then all of the vassal benefits (claim bonus, vassal tax, etc) would get cancelled after a day or 2. If the first suggestion would be implemented then you could also make the DP cost go to 20 even if it's a small vassal and would've cost 10 DP normally. - Afaik currently if a nation gets unvassaled they don't get ally cooldown with their former allies that they had during vassalage. This is a major problem since this means they can ally everyone back as soon as they get unvassaled and not suffer any consequences. This is by far the easiest fix, just add the 9 day cooldown. Close to 0 real features that people actually use (besides the claims) - Add subsidies so you could fund your vassal nation without dealing with middlemen. This could be done by setting a set time period after which money from the parent nation's nation bank is transferred into the vassal's nation bank. There should also be a way to toggle it to a certain % of the n bank instead of a set amount. Example: The parent nation sets the time period to 30 days and the amount of money to $5k. The vassal would then receive $5k every 30 days. - Add vassal perms (like the current nation, ally and resident perms) - Make a cute GUI for all the vassal commands like there is with the constitutions :D This is all just my opinion and feel free to add things in your replies. Also sorry if I made any typos I was kinda sleepy when making this.