My suggestion is to make an Armored version of an Artillery.
In my opinion Artillery is kinda bad. Yeah, you shoot from far away but thats it. Its too easy to just run up to the cannonners and kill them (and get siege points if they are in range). So i want and armored version of them.
I understand that people say that it may be overpowered, the only weakness of the arty gets patched up with some armor, but hear me out.
The craft that i am imagining is, from the block requieremens, like a normal tank or an maybe even IFV because it would make no sense having a lot of armor since they are often behind the actual frontlines.
Secondly every craft can ONLY CARRY ONE ARTY (240mm Arty, Howitzer or 57mm arty). You cant combine 57mm or 240mm for example. IT ONLY STAYS ONE AT A TIME. and the players still have to load the cannons per hand (or do an autoloader with a bit more expensive shells idk)
So its a trade of. Do you rather shoot 6 or 8 Artys at one time and be able to get absolutly clapped because you are in an open field and lose all of your stuff and materials OR do you rather be in an armored vehicle with one cannon where you only can be killed by an enemy craft (or an anti tank rifle/other cannons)