as a build up from previous suggestion
add a new sf machine called storage silo that can store 345600 items(100 dubs) of only a single item(for balance purpose)
we base it on existing sf auto crafter (more on that later)
crafting recipe: same as auto crafter but swap in chests instead of crafting tables
GUI: use shift right click mechanic for sf auto crafter to select wanted item for storage
Input/output: chest under silo gets auto filled for empty slots. chest above it act as input, it keeps taking in select item in chest until capacity is full
*why base it on sf auto crafter:
1. as Ineusia stated in previous suggestion, main problem with a storage solution for ccnet is tracking reasons. with this you circumvent that problem by making output a normal chest with the normal tracking and locking of ccnet
2. crafting recipe is relatively expensive, making the silo an unrealistic alternative to normal chest warehouses
3. adding it to the sf pluging wont be that hard. just repackage the crafter to only pull from above chest and and only output to bottom chest.